Over Erik van Zuuren
Erik's experience/expertize includes a wide strategic- and tactical-level experience/expertize in eGovernment/eBusiness, Enterprise (Security) Architectures, Service Oriented Architectures, Governance, Risk, Compliance, Service Management, Information Security (Management),…
Erik's experiences/engagements include activities at governments and related agencies (Chancelery of the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Federal ICT Department (Fedict), the Cross Roads Bank for Social Security, the eGov & ICT agency of the Flemish Gov, DG Connect, DG Employment, DG RTD, EC-ISA, etc.) and a diverse spectrum of private industry organisations (incl. ING, KBC, Electrabel Suez, Infrabel, Euroclear, ...).
Erik's achievements includes being one of the fathers/authors of the blueprint for the Belgian Personal Identity Card Project (BelPIC) and being one of the fathers of key egov-supporting services at the Flemish government (wide range of (trust-)services wrt e-identification / e-authentication / authorisation / e-signing / stamping /... ).
Currently focussing on eGov-supporting services, trusted/trustworhty online and cloud services, trusted eco-systems, governance of eco-systems, challenges of large scale pilots/eco-systems, electronic/mobile/federated identities, esignature/eseals/etc, ....