Over Jan Matto
At Mazars Netherlands I am since 1998 as a partner responsible for the centre of excellence for IT advisory and IT audit activities (Mazars Management Consultants). I have a long track record of high profile assignments in both the private and public sector. I have a broad experience in IT advisory assigments, including IT project recovery and mediation.I have specific experience regarding information security, privacy protection and data breaches. Within Mazars I am also responsible for the IT audit within the financial audit practise.
I am heavily involved in third party IT assurance services like ISAE3402, TPM, SOC2&3 and privacy and dataprotection certification. Special assigments regarding IT security and privacy include the Dutch Electronic Identity Card (eNIK), the National Electronic Identity System (eID), Police systems, and Biometric face recognition systems. I also led projects regarding the data security around high profile databreaches at Dutch Govermental Institutes.
I am an active member for serveral committees at our professional bodies (NOREA, NBA, ECP, ZekerOnline) and governmental intiatives to improve and innovatie IT auditstandards regarding privacy and IT security.