Wordt BIO, ISO? Bij de provincies wel!

Alle provincies willen eind 2023 het ISO 27001-certificaat gehaald hebben. Daarmee tonen ze aan dat ze hun informatiebeveiliging goed op orde en onder controle hebben.

Op 12 juni stond de ISO 27001-certificering op de agenda. ‘Informatiebeveiliging krijgt steeds meer prioriteit’, licht David van der Meer toe. ‘Het kabinet legt meer druk op overheidsinstanties om dit overal op dezelfde manier te regelen. Ook de AVG die in mei van kracht ging, laat zien hoe actueel het onderwerp is. Daarom hebben provincies eind 2017 met elkaar afgesproken dat ze over 5 jaar ISO-27001 gecertifieerd willen zijn.

Door |2024-09-30T08:36:13+00:00november 22, 2018|Artikel, Nederlands|Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Wordt BIO, ISO? Bij de provincies wel!

Information Security in Project Governance: Incidents and Preventions

Worldwide there are several reasons for project start-ups, but what are the real reasons behind it. Another question to be asked here is “is there enough attention for Information Security in projects”?

The drawbacks of information security are both project and business risks. Referring to the investigation of Price Water House Cooper we may notice a 48% increasing rate of incidents, there are 117,339 Information Security incidents a day summing up to a yearly cost of 42,8 million. Additionally, the estimated damages world-wide peak to 2,7 million dollars for each incident. These figures mark a decrease of as much as 34% since last year! Thus, the urgency of companies comes down to how they can strengthen Information Security in the daily business and projects, by also eliminating ‘security leaks’ in the scope of Project Governance. Commonly Businesses do not become aware of such issues related to the Project Governance. In other words, the management becomes so occupied protecting the house and forgets the barn or even the new building in progress.

Door |2024-09-30T09:29:38+00:00januari 19, 2017|Article, Artikel, Engels, Nederlands|Reacties uitgeschakeld voor Information Security in Project Governance: Incidents and Preventions
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